Our Beliefs

Some churches are known by what they believe.

We want to be known by how we live.

But just so you know what we believe…

Statement of Faith



We believe the Bible is God's Word. It is true, it is powerful, and it is without error.


We believe God has no beginning or end. He has existed eternally as the Triune God, one essence yet three distinct persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God in His very essence is love. And that love existed prior to the creation of humanity—it existed within this Triune Community. 

The Father by His very name exhibits infinite paternal care and guidance. He sovereignly plans and directs all that comes to pass in perfect wisdom.

The Son is eternally begotten of the Father. He exists only in union with the Father. The Son carries out all the Father plans and directs. He is the active agent to accomplish the Father's purposes.

The Holy Spirit is eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit empowers what the Son carries out at the plan and direction of the Father.


We believe all humans are created in the image of God, worthy of dignity and respect, not to be worshipped or demeaned, not to be exalted or diminished.


We believe sin has radically corrupted all of creation including humanity. All the world is hopelessly ruined in need of complete restoration.


We believe Jesus is the eternal Son of God, the promised Messiah who restores all things. He was born as one of us, lived a life without sin in complete obedience to the Father, died for the sin of the world, rose victorious as the firstfruits of a coming restoration, and ascended to His rightful place as the one true King of the world.


We believe salvation is received by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ. It is a gift of God for all who believe.

The Church

We believe the Church is the body of Jesus which began with His original disciples and continues to this very day. The Church is made up of those who follow Jesus and orient their lives to His way.

The Return of Jesus

We believe one day Jesus will return to restore all things—redeemed humanity and creation. 


Gospel centrality in all of life

The sovereign grace of God in saving sinners 

The work of the Holy Spirit for life and ministry

The equality of men and women and the principle of male servant leadership

The local church as God’s primary mission strategy

Believer’s baptism by immersion

* many of these are the Acts 29 Network distinctives (link)