Our Rhythms

Below you will find how to get connected in the life of our Church Family.

Worship Gathering

The Sunday Worship Gathering is an important time in the life of our Church Family. During this time we gather to collectively focus our hearts on Jesus and reorient our lives to His ways.

We pray together, sing together, and read Scripture together. We spend time diving into a passage from Scripture, typically walking verse-by-verse through a book.

We remember and celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus each week as we partake of Communion.

Missional Communities

Missional Communities are how we live out our Mission together. These are small groups of people brought together by the gospel and for the gospel.

This is where friendships are formed and family is forged. This is how mission is lived out together in our neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces. This is how we grow together into the image of Jesus as we follow Him alongside one another.

* Email Pastor Josh (josh@kingschurchtx.com) to get connected to a Missional Community

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship Groups are gender-specific groups of 3-5 people that meet regularly for prayer, accountability, and encouragement. Many times these Groups are formed out of our Missional Communities as men and women desire to grow deeper in relationship with the Lord and one another.

* Email Pastor Josh (josh@kingschurchtx.com) to get plugged into one of our Discipleship Groups.

King’s Kids

We want to invite our kids to life together with Jesus right alongside us. We believe a great way to do this is by integrating kids into the rhythms of our church. This includes our Worship Gatherings and some aspects of our Missional Communities as well. Childcare is available in our Worship Gatherings for ages 1-4 years old. You can register you kids online in advance (link) or on Sunday in person.

We know this is a bit different from what some people are used to, so we would love to have a conversation describing this in more detail to help you and your kids.